The latest release of VMware vCenter 4.1 is capable of using difference database systems, mostly these installations are done on SQL databases. But also DB2 and Oracle databases are supported. At a customer site is Oracle 10g used as a default for all databases. Within a few months the customer will upgrade these databases to Oracle 11g. Using these difference versions for now and in the feature, we decides to use the Oracle 11g client for installing vCenter and View Composer. The Oracle Install Client 11g is used for connecting to the Oracle 10 database.
vCenter will be placed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with slip streamed SP1, and is using a double vCPU with 4 GB of RAM.
Before the ODBC connection to the database can be made, the Oracle 11g client is places on the vCenter server, therefore the Oracle version 11 packages are extracted to C:\Oracle
After that the odbc_install.exe is executed for making the client software available within the ODBC connection software. A default tnsnames.ora Oracle configuration file, created by the customer is stored in the created sub folder NETWORK\ADMIN, which results in:
The installation of the Oracle 11 Client have been finished with these steps.
The next step is creating the ODBC connection to the database, the following steps are used for creating these connection:
Start Data Sources (ODBC) within Administrative Tools, and create a new System DSN
Select the Oracle in instantclient 11_2 and hit the Finish button
Supply the needed information for the connection and use the Test Connection button for testing the connection.
After these steps the installation of vCenter can be done and the created DSN can be selected during the installation and the connection will be used for filling the database.
The latest step is the extraction of the ojdbc14.jar file from the Oracle instant 10 client, and place the file in the/Infrastructure/tomcat/lib folder
The latest step is the extraction of the ojdbc14.jar file from the Oracle instant 10 client, and place the file in the
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